Prices of foodstuff and other consumables surge in Takoradi

Takoradi, March 23, GNA – Prices of foodstuffs and other consumables have experienced a significant rise in Takoradi markets, a survey conducted by the Ghana News Agency, has revealed.

A visit to the Takoradi market and Jubilee Park market on Wednesday showed prices of foodstuffs had gone up because of the increase in transportation fares due to the price hikes of petroleum products.

The majority of the main food crops such as cassava, yam and plantain were affected by the price hike.

At the Takoradi market, a large-sized tin of red onions which was sold at GHC15.00 was now sold at GH20.00 with the mini blue bucket which previously sold at GHC45.00 now GHC50.00.

A small bucket of fresh tomatoes had also increased from GHC20.00 to GHC25.00, with the same measure of ginger which was GHC15.00 now at GHC20.00.

Also, a cup of fish powder which was sold at GHC10.00 was now going for GHC20.00, while the price of shrimp powder doubled, with a cup going for GHC40.00 against the GHC20.00 previously sold.

Powdered pepper had also seen a rise in price from GHC8.00 to GHC10.00.

A margarine bucket of groundnut paste, which was sold at GHC120.00 had shot up to GHC140.00 with the price of a small size margarine bucket of groundnut paste also moving from GHC15.00 to GHC20.00 cedis

Three litres of palm oil which were sold at GHC50.00 was now going for GHC55.00

A cup of cornflour (Eburow gari) which was sold for GHC2.50 now sold at GHC3.00. With a tuber of yam (pona) moving from GHC17.00 to GHC25.00, four sizeable tubers of cassava moved from GHC5.00 to GHC10 cedis with three fingers of plantain moving from GHC5.00 to GHC10.00.

Madam Efiba Tawiah, a petty trader at the Takoradi new market, said the prices of foodstuffs had risen speedily adding “even the prices of spices had shot up, saying, a pack of maggie cube which was sold for GHC11.00 had increased to GHC13.00.

According to her, the price of 750ml sachet of frytol cooking oil had increased from GHC12.00 to GHC16.00 and a one-litre bottle of sunflower oil had moved from GHC20.00 to GHC25.00.

Madam Efiba also said a cup of sugar increased from GHC3.00 to GHC4.00 with the price of a tin of milo currently being sold at GHC20.00 adding, the small tin of ideal milk now sold at GHC5.50 indicating an increase of 0.50pesewas.

She lamented, “the prices of commodities have really increased which has made things difficult. The new prices have made many people now do window shopping with a few doing actual purchases”