NGO registers one hundred people onto NHIS in Aboadze

Aboadze (W/R), Aug 31, GNA – The Sadicke Kofi Baidoo Foundation (SKB), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), has registered 100 people of Aboadze in the Shama District of the Western Region onto the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

Mr Kofi Sadick Baidoo, the Sales Engineer of Mantrac Limited and Founder of SKB Foundation, said the objective was to champion the course of Ghanaians who were grappling with accessing basic healthcare to have unrestricted access to medical attention and education.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Mr Baidoo indicated that the Foundation had so far registered close to 1000 persons unto the NHIS since its inception.

He said the main aim of the Foundation was to render assistance and support to the average Ghanaians who were financially incapable to afford medical related expenses, when the need arose.

On Education, he said the Foundation had rendered immense support to brilliant but needy students in the Shama District, to help ensure absolute improvement of their academic performance.

“Education is the bedrock of success, as such invaluable attention must be paid to education to ensure that needy students benefitted from it,” Mr Baidoo stated.

He underscored the importance of education and stressed the need to lend inestimable support to students who were faced with financial challenges that often obstructed their efforts in accessing quality education.

Mr Baidoo reiterated that the provision of educational materials by the Foundation, which included, mathematical sets and books to students in the District, would help them to become experts in their fields of endeavour and be able to contribute their quota towards the process of ensuring the growth of the country.

He said the Foundation hoped to extend its support and social intervention activities to other Regions to push the agenda of growth and development.

Two of the beneficiaries, Madam Akua Kosiwa and Kobina Essilfie, expressed their excitement for being registered onto the NHIS and commended the Founder of KSB Foundation for showing them such humane gesture.

Other beneficiaries who were also excited about the gesture, said it had come at a time where they were suffocating in serious hardships to register onto the NHIS, and said it was a huge relief for them.

They thanked the Foundation for the kind gesture and appealed to other benevolent philanthropists to emulate KSB Foundation to help put smiles on the faces of destitute and the less privileged in the society.