Foreign Minister unveils Group to realise Ghana’s vision at UN Security Council

Accra, Aug.11, GNA – A 14-Member Multi-Stakeholder Working Group on Ghana’s Membership on the United Nations Security Council has been inaugurated by Ms Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration.

The Group will assist the Government of Ghana to carry out its mandate on the UN Security Council from 2022 to 2023.

It is expected to provide the requisite support to Ghana’s Permanent Mission in New York and the Sector Ministry, to ensure the country’s effective participation in the work of the Security Council during its tenure.

Mr Kwaku Ampratwum-Sarpong, a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration chaired the Committee and co-chaired by an astute Diplomat Ambassador Daniel Kuffuor Osei.

At the inauguration ceremony in Accra on Tuesday, Ms Ayorkor Botchwey tasked the Committee to bring their expertise and experiences onboard towards realising Ghana’s vision at the Council and ensuring global peace and prosperity.

Ghana was elected as a Non-Permanent Member to the UN Security Council on Friday, June 11, 2021 during the United Nations General Assembly after receiving massive endorsement from the majority of the members present.

The country has, therefore, chosen “Enhancing Global Peace and Security for Sustainable and Inclusive Development” as the theme for its term at the Council.

Ms Ayorkor Botchwey said Ghana intended to contribute towards addressing the security implications of health pandemics and championing multilateral approaches in combating the COVID-19 pandemic to recover and build the world ‘back better’.

“More importantly, Ghana seeks to encourage the strengthening of partnerships between the UN and regional and sub-regional organisations, like the AU and ECOWAS in conflict prevention, peacekeeping operations and special political missions.

“Additionally, Ghana’s mandate includes; addressing conflicts caused by environmental factors such as desertification, land degradation, drought and climate change.

“We are convinced that the overarching goal of Sustainable Development can be best served in maintaining global peace and security, inclusive governance and economic growth,” the Minister emphasised.

The Group has terms of reference to guide its work including; proposing inputs based on Ghana’s priorities for inclusion in resolutions; developing positions on Ghana’s theme for approval by Government; developing positions on the themes of other Members of the Council for approval by Government and proposing inputs for resolutions being considered by the Security Council.

The Sector Minister believed that Ghana’s successful tenure at the Security Council would inure to the benefit of the ECOWAS region and the entire African continent.

Ambassador D. K Osei, the Co-Chair, in his inaugural address, thanked the Minister for the confidence reposed in them and assured her, on behalf of the Group that it would work tirelessly to realising the country’s mandate at the Council.

He was of the belief that the quality of membership of the Working Group would, in no doubt, contribute modestly towards realising Ghana’s vision at the Council.

Ambassador Osei underlined the need for the Committee to prioritise its work so that it would make meaningful impact, especially exploring avenues of ensuring conflict prevention and resolution in Africa.

Ghana was accepted as a Member of the UN General Assembly on March 8, 1957 and has since contributed immensely towards global peace and security.

It is currently ranked 10th UN troop-contributory country to UN Peace Missions and her soldiers are well respected worldwide their professionalism and courage.