No takeover of Lands by Genser Energy, Wassa Amenfi Traditional Council refutes claims

Accra, June 24, GNA – The Wassa Amenfi Traditional Council has refuted allegations of land seizure from tenant farmers in a publication by Happy FM.

A statement signed by Tetrete Okuamoah Sekyim II, Omanhene of the Wassa Amenfi Traditional Area, dated the June 23, 2021 and copied the Ghana News Agency, stated that, “The traditional council would like to state that no such seizure of farmlands, all of which are stool lands under the control and authority of Tetrete Okuamoah Sekyim II, has been done by Genser Energy, the Traditional Council, the Omanhene or the Sompre Chief as alleged.”

The Council said Genser Energy Ghana Limited (“Genser Energy”) has conducted business respectfully and ethically with the Chiefs and the community but laments the lack of journalistic integrity carried out by Happy FM.

The Council also copied the National Media Commission, National Communications Authority, Ministry of Chieftaincy Affairs and the National House of Chiefs.

The Omanhene stated that areas mentioned in the said publication which included Bonsie, Ebetoda, Amonda, Behoso Ntam and the surrounding towns fell within the control and authority of the Wassa Amenfi Traditional Area.

He mentioned that such publications were not only patently false but were maliciously designed by the news outlet to discredit his person, the Traditional Council, and the Chief of Sompre and that the act by the radio station defies the norms of natural justice and journalistic practice.

“One-sided reporting and baseless claims are often used to spread and foment mistrust and animosity within a community. The Council has already received several calls from concerned citizens.”

The Omanhene further requested the Management of Happy FM to render an apology and a retraction of the story within seven (7) days from the receipt of the notice and that such retraction should be given the same prominence and visibility given the initial publications by the Station.

The statement was necessary as a result of various publications aired by Happy FM on their current affairs programme dubbed EPAHoaDaben” on June16 and 17, 2021 and further published on the station’s website on June 18, where it was alleged that Genser Energy had partnered with the Omanhene and the Chief of Sompre to forcibly steal lands belonging to tenant farmers.