Foundation donates water bottles to pupils

Namoo (U/E), Feb 3, GNA – The Regentropfen Education Foundation, a non-profit organization, has donated water bottles to about 2,500 rural school children in the Upper East as part of measures to promote hygienic practices.

The donation, under the Foundation’s “Save a Life Today” project, was aimed at ensuring that school children had containers to store clean and safe water for use in schools, while helping to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus disease.

The Regentropfen Education Foundation working in the Upper East Region led to the establishment of the College of Applied Sciences, Regentropfen Senior High School, Raucshmayer Institute for Technical Training and Regentropfen Basic School, all within Namoo traditional zone in the Bongo District.

Making a presentation to about 150 pupils at the Regentropfen Basic School at Namoo in the Bongo District, Mr Robert Anaba, the Acting Head of Administration and Business Development, who spoke on behalf of Reverend Father Dr Moses Asaah Awinongya SVD, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Regentropfen Education Foundation, said the future of the children was dear to the Foundation.

Mr Anaba explained that most of the rural school children found it difficult to access clean water to drink in schools due to their inability to afford hygienic containers and most of them had resorted to drinking directly from taps or boreholes.

The situation, he said could expose many children to various diseases and the situation could get worse due to the emergence of the COVID-19.

He said the foundation had constructed mechanized boreholes for schools such as the Namoo Primary ‘A’ and it was imperative for the children to have the containers to always have water to rehydrate their bodies taking into consideration the adverse weather condition such the harmattan and hot seasons.

He said as part of the Save a Life Today project, the foundation was constructing a children’s home named “Happy Home for Children” to house orphans and half orphans.

“The building is designed to have a playing ground, drama programmes and workshops that will help give these children good perspective about life. We have even started organizing extra classes on hygienic practices for them,” he said.

Mr Anaba noted that as part of the project, three persons who suffered from cancer, heart in hole and kidney issues had their medical bills paid while the foundation had so far sponsored about 270 school children from basic level to tertiary.

Mr Prince Kwapong, the Head teacher, Regentropfen Basic School, who received the items on behalf of the management of the school, expressed gratitude to the Foundation for the gesture and promised to help the children put it into good use.

Mr Kwapong explained that the school had few cups that the pupils relied on and it was not good to their health especially in the era of COVID-19 and added that the gesture would eliminate the situation where pupils would be compelled to share drinking cups.

He said the water bottles would further reduce competition at the tap or boreholes which often expose them to germs and that would instill personal hygiene in the children.