Democrats projected to hold majority in US House of Representatives

Washington, Nov. 4, (dpa/GNA) – The Democratic party is projected to maintain a majority in the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the US Congress, according to projections from media outlets.

NBC News and Fox News said the centre-left Democrats will hold enough seats to keep the majority the win in the 2018 mid-term elections. The extent of the gap over the centre-right Republicans is still unclear.

The Democrats used their majority in the House to carry out numerous investigations of the Trump administration, including, most significantly, the impeachment.

While the Democratic majority in the House voted to impeach Trump over allegations he used US aid to Ukraine to push that country to dig up dirt on his rival, Joe Biden, the Republican-held Senate acquitted their party’s leader.

The split in Congress has also forced some compromises such as on the first tranche of coronavirus relief bills.

However, the two chambers have been unable to agree on a new stimulus package and despite both parties largely saying some aid is needed, nothing has passed.

A Republican supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory movement won a seat in the US House of Representatives on Tuesday. Marjorie Taylor Greene easily carried the north-west Georgia congressional district after her Democratic opponent dropped out.