Labour Commission invites Forum for Registered Pensions schemes

Accra, June 25, GNA – The National Labour Commission (NLC) has invited the Forum for Public Sector Registered Pensions Schemes to appear before it on July 8th, 2020 in the matter of declaration of industrial action by members of the Forum.

Mr Isaac Bampoe Addo, chairman of the Forum said the group considers NLC invitation as belated, disturbing and unfortunate since ample time was given to the Commission by a notice served by the Forum dated June 10, 2020.

He said as much as the Forum disagreed with the National Labour Commission, they had taken the decision to honour NLC invitation and that the Forum would inform the public on their next line of action after July 8, 2020.

Mr Bampoe Addo said scores of pensioners and public sector workers led by the FORUM had been protesting against the pension package offered by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

The group had declared its intention to embark an industrial action on June 25, “if SSNIT does not follow the correct procedure and formula in paying past credits to pensioners”.

Mr Bampoe Addo, said the FORUM found it strange that on the eve of the advertised strike the NLC should invite them.

The Forum, at a Press Conference held on June 10, 2020 served notice of its intension to proceed on an industrial action in solidarity with pensioners from June 25, 2020.

Mr Bampoe Addo who was updating the media on the development which hindered the industrial action said the FORUM on June 10th created a platform for some public officers who have recently retired in 2020 to air their views on various hardships they were going through as a result of the very low Past Credits paid to them by SSNIT.

He said some pensioners were stunned by SSNIT’s notice to them, informing them to contact their various banks to access a “top up” of their Past Credit. This notice came to them immediately after the Press Conference by the FORUM on June 10th, to raise concern about the paltry Past Credits.

The FORUM wishes to state categorically that, “it is yet to understand the rationale for this top up of Past Credits since SSNIT has refused to come clear about the computation of the Past Credits.

“The palliative and rushed approach by SSNIT on June 10th has not resolved the problems associated with Past Credits and has only confirmed the FORUM’s long standing position that SSNIT intentionally short changes pensioners and has over the years short changed pensioners for its own benefit”.

Present were representatives of the Health Sector Occupation Pension Scheme set up by the Health Services Workers’ Union; and Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association.

Others are Ghana Medical Association, Ghana Physician Assistants’ Association, Government Hospital Pharmacists’ Association, and Ghana Association of Certified Registered Anesthetists, andhana Education Service, Occupation Pension Scheme set up by Ghana Association of Teachers, Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union, National Association of Graduate Teachers, Coalition of Concerned Teachers, Ghana and
Judicial Service Occupation Pension Scheme set up by Judicial Services Staff Association of Ghana and Hedge Master Trust Occupation Pension Scheme set up by the Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana.