COVID-19: Ghanaian diplomat supports Tempane District

Tempane (UE), April 18, GNA – Mr Joseph Kojo Akudibillah, Ghana’s Ambassador to the Vatican, has donated sanitary materials and resources to the Tempane District Health Directorate in the Upper East Region to help fight the spread COVID-19 pandemic.

The former Independent Member of Parliament for the then Garu-Tempane Constituency who is out of the country at the moment donated to Mr Paul Abugri Azumah, the District Chief Executive for the area.

He presented 20 Veronica buckets, 10 gallons of liquid soap, 144 pieces of carbolic soap, 30 boxes of disposable hand gloves, 25 of 500 milliliters of hand sanitizers and seven boxes of face masks to the district rapid response team to be distributed to the various health facilities.

The DCE who expressed gratitude to the Ambassador for the kind gesture expressed optimism that the materials would go a long way to complement the efforts of government and the health professionals in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr Abugri used the occasion to reiterate the need for all Ghanaians to join the fight against the infectious disease by abiding by the President’s directive and other set out protocols to curb the spread of the virus.
Mr Cosmos Minyila, the District Director, Ghana Health Services, Tempane, who received the items on behalf of the Directorate, lauded Mr Akudibilah for the support.

He said apart from the infrared thermometers the District Assembly procured for the Directorate, the support of the Ambassador was the biggest donation it had received.

“I must say that he is the biggest donor and the support was given to us at the very critical moment when staff threatened to leave their posts,” he said.

The District Director explained that the Directorate did not have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) the staff of the health facilities needed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and the situation distressed health professionals, who lost confidence and nearly abandoned their work.

The District Director said, “if not for his and the Member of Parliament for the area Mr Joseph Dindiok Kpemka, I am sure the story would have been different in Tampane because their donations came at the point we needed them most, the support would lift the confidence of the staff to work even harder”.

Mr Minyila said the district had so far recorded three suspected cases and all tested negative for the coronavirus.

Whilst appealing to other organizations and individuals to support the district to fight the virus, the District Director urged members of the public to strictly adhere to the World Health Organization’s precautionary protocols to prevent the spread of the infection.
He urged the public to frequently wash their hands with soap under running water, use alcoholic based hand sanitizers, nose masks as well as avoid handshakes and gatherings.